Saturday, 25 February 2012

Mental Tricks You Can Play On Yourself

 Avoiding stage fright becomes a lot more difficult if you are focused on every little detail throughout the entire presentation. There is one little trick you can use to help relax yourself during a presentation. That trick is, to quite literally, trick your mind. Tricking your mind helps keep you distracted from the anxiety that can be experienced during a presentation. This will continue to help avoid stage fright.

 The first trick you can play on your mind is to laugh when you get the chance. If your topic has some comedic segments, it will help you relax your mind when you laugh. Laughter is a great way to loosen up during the presentation and not get to anxious. When a presenter laughs, the audience will usually laugh along. This helps to relieve even more stress from the situation. 

 Another trick that can be played is to focus on some of the friendliest faces in the audience. Pick a few faces across the room that seem warm and kind. Throughout the duration of your presentation or performance, you should focus solely on those friendly people. While you are focusing on just those few people you will feel more confident throughout your presentation and it will take some of the nervousness away. This is a fantastic way to boost your self-esteem and help relax and avoid stage fright while actually on stage.

 These two tricks are great ways of getting your mind off the fact that you are in front of an audience. They help you relax and lose some of the stress that you feel is becoming overwhelming. Laughing gives that brief comic relief to let your body calm down. Focusing on the friendly faces in the audience makes you feel more comfortable in front of them. It allows you to feel good while doing your presentation. These two tricks are fantastic ways of avoiding stage fright while doing your presentation or performance.

 Do you have any special tricks that you like to use when doing a performance or presentation? If you have, I would enjoy reading the tricks you find usefull and hopefully other people will too. It may give someone else a new way to help them avoid their stage fright. Please post your tricks in the comments section below.
Thank you.


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